Friday, May 28, 2010

The P word.

The word we all hate, PERIOD. Time of month, pmsing, cramps, all the horrible stuff. Now fortunatly I have never had a cramp in my entire life, thanks to genes :) but I did start at a young age (11) and I am very athletic so I skip mine all the time, I get it maybe like 6 times a year, maybe even less. But ik pads can be uncomfotable and tampons...well I don't wear them, even tho I'm athletic, I'm just scared because I know friends have gotten infections and gotten them stuck in there and ewwwwww! So for you OAS wear-ers out there, pads will be uncomfortable till the day you die...or stop having your period :P but i have some suggestions :) try always infinity, I really like that one, it's compfy ( as a compfy as a pad can get atleast) and holds in heavy flows. I have reasently purchased U by kotex, you know? The ones that make fun of commercials in they're commercials? (lol! Love those commercials!) but scince I rarely am on my period...I havnt gotten the chance to use them, so I'll update when I can! :))

Eyelash growth? Pshh! Yea right!

You see all these dumb adds for eyelash growth, well guess what?! It's a waste!! Use vasaline, I put vasaline on my eyelashes everynight for an entire eyelashes are amazingly long now and I get complements on them pretty often! I would apply some on my eyelid from tip to end on the eyelash and the bottom lashes too with my finger. I would wake up and wash my face and it doesn't happen over night, by week 2 I noticed they where longer :) don't but to little and don't put too much, meaning don't but alittle thin layer, and don't put it on like there's no tomorrow!

Intro :))

Hello, my name is Dakota Rose. I started this blog Because I see stupid adds for female products weather it be beauty or health and decided I'll review theese things! I know some women may thing, "what does a 14 year old know?" well a lot! I'm not giving you life tips nesissarily, I'm just saving you money on theese things that claim to do things that they don't. :))